Cheap Group Flights from Atlanta to Chicago

Atlanta to Chicago Group Flights

Want to go to Chicago? Chicago is a city in the United States famous for its best vacation experience & tourists can enjoy this place by visiting the Chicago museums. You can stay in the Chicago luxury hotels, enjoy the different food choices, go to the park with your groups, and have fun. 

Cheap Group Flights from Atlanta to Chicago

Whether you have planned your trip earlier from Atlanta to Chicago or are planning to fly at the last moment, booking cheap flights can be a great deal for you. If you think of taking nonstop flights or flights from one itinerary to another, book your flight at more affordable rates. Book your cheap flights from Atlanta to Chicago & enjoy the vacation in Chicago. 

What is the Cheapest Day of the Week to fly from Atlanta to Chicago?

Decide your plan early & decide how many people to go on a Chicago vacation & finally, book your group flights to Chicago from Atlanta. You can book your group flight tickets on Tuesday to get the most exciting deals on your Chicago flight booking. On Tuesday, you will find the Chicago airline at a cheap price for the fare. Please do not book your ticket on Friday and especially on Sunday because booking your ticket on Sunday is considered to be an expensive day for flight ticket booking. It is advised that passengers who are going to fly from Atlanta to Chicago in groups should book tickets on Tuesday, the cheapest day of the week. 

Cheapest Month of the year to fly from Atlanta to Chicago

You can book cheap group flights to Chicago in October. This Month, the flight ticket charge is approximately 99 dollars. Avoid booking your flight ticket in November and March. If you plan to book your ticket in November, then it will cost you roughly about 200 dollars & while in March, it will cost you around 175 dollars. Hence, it is clear that the flight ticket booking from Atlanta to Chicago is best for October. Here, you can save on your money for about 100 dollars if you book your flight ticket in October & use that saved money to spend on your Chicago vacation. 

How early should I book my group flight from Atlanta to Chicago?

If you are booking your flight tickets early for the Chicago Vacation, then you have to pay less, which means you can book the same flight ticket at a lower cost, which you will book in an emergency. Please book your flight ticket from Atlanta to Chicago at least one week before your journey; it will cost you less on your flight ticket. Furthermore, if you book your Chicago flight ticket within 90 days, i.e.,  before 3 months, then you will save a lot of money. 

Plan your trip from Atlanta to Chicago earlier if possible, & make your booking earlier; it will cost you low on your Chicago flight ticket. 

Which airlines fly regularly from Atlanta to Chicago?

Although many airlines fly from Atlanta to Chicago on a regular basis. However, there are some flights most frequently from Atlanta to Chicago. These are:

  • Southwest Airlines
  • Delta Airlines
  • Frontier Airlines

These three airlines fly most frequently from Atlanta to Chicago. Here, point to note that there are 6 flights per day for Southwest Airlines, 4 flights per day for Delta Airlines & 1 flight per day for Frontier Airlines.

How many flights are there on each day from Atlanta to Chicago?

On average, there are 9-16 airlines that fly each day from Atlanta to Chicago & the time to reach Chicago from Atlanta is approximately 2 hours. The departure time of the flight to Chicago is early morning at 6 am from the Atlanta airport. There are about 92 flights that depart from Atlanta and go to Chicago. Most of the flights take off on Friday; the maximum number of flights on this day & the minimum number of flights on Saturday take off. 

Which is the cheapest flight to fly from Atlanta to Chicago?

There are three flights: southwest, Delta, & Frontier - these airlines fly regularly and nonstop from the Atlanta location to the Chicago location. Of the three regular flights, Frontier Airlines is the cheapest. Book your Chicago flight ticket in Frontier Airlines to get your booking at a more affordable rate. Book your ticket on Tuesday on Frontier Airlines & it will allow you to save more on your Atlanta to Chicago flights. 

When can I reach Chicago? At what time?

The distance from Chicago to Atlanta is about 561 miles & the nonstop flights take 2 hours to reach the destination. 

Tips to Book Cheapest Group Flight from Atlanta to Chicago

  • For your journey to Chicago from Atlanta, book your flight ticket on Frontier Airlines. You can choose to book your flight ticket on Tuesday for a cheap booking of your flight. 
  • You can book your flight ticket in the early morning for cheaper rates. If you get your Chicago ticket from Atlanta at noon, then it will cost you more to get on the same flight. To book your Chicago flight ticket at noon, you have to give more money. 
  • Book your Chicago flight ticket earlier in advance, approximately 84-90 days, which will allow your booking at a much cheaper rate. 
  • Booking in the off-month, i.e., in October, will be very cheap for Atlanta to Chicago. 


Hope you are aware of all the details about the cheapest group flights to Chicago from Atlanta are given. You can read this properly & you will find that the Chicago group flights are cheaper on Tuesdays of the 7 days of the week. Morning booking is also affordable compared to the noon booking.

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