Cheap Group Flights from Atlanta to Los Angeles

Atlanta to Los Angeles

If you plan to travel with a group from Atlanta to Los Angeles, it is easy to find affordable flight deals with tips and tricks. When booking group flights to Los Angeles, it is advantageous to bag yourself a low-cost flight deal for a memorable group tour with your family, friends, or colleagues from the office.

With this article, you can learn tips & strategies, like booking affordable flights, the Ideal month of the year to go for making a group booking, the best month of the day, etc. to make a Los Angeles Group Booking at a cheaper rate. 

Cheap Group Flights from Atlanta to Los Angeles 

Four airlines fly nonstop from Atlanta to Los Angeles: Delta, Southwest, American Airlines, & Spirit Airlines. Every day there are around 22 to 28 nonstop flights between Atlanta & Los Angeles which amount to around 174 flights. 

As for the cheapest, you get the best flight deals on Spirit Airlines and Frontier. Do check on other airlines and several of them provide good flight deals to Los Angeles. 

Best Month to Fly from Atlanta to Los Angeles

If you look at the entire year, you will get the best deal in September which is the cheapest month of the year. However, it is recommended to cross-check at the time of booking because the prices vary dynamically across the week & at times if there is a macro event happening close to the journey date. In comparison, the most expensive months of the year are March & June when ticket prices are highly overpriced.  

Ideal Day of the Week To Fly from Atlanta to Los Angeles 

Wednesday or sometime in the middle of the week to get a better flight deal. In contrast, if you are booking flights for weekends like Sundays, you are less likely to get a cheap deal. So, you can keep these in mind to get a cheaper ticket at the time of making the booking. 

Best Time of the Day to Fly to Los Angeles 

If you are looking for which time of the day you should plan your tour then you can go for the flights that operate on night timings when the chances of getting a better flight deal to Los Angeles are higher. 

How Early Should You Book a Flight from Atlanta to Los Angeles?

If you are making a group booking, you should do that at least 45 days before the journey date. Otherwise, if you are making a booking closer to the journey date, you may get a good deal but it is riskier. Also, because you are making a group booking, you should be initiating the request earlier anyway to complete the entire process in time & also you get the best deal. 

How Much is the Time To Fly from Atlanta to Los Angeles

The distance between Atlanta to Los Angeles is 1,941 miles, with a flight travel time of approximately 4 hours and 34 minutes.

Handy Tips to Get Cheap Flights to Los Angeles

Go through these tips which may be useful if you are booking cheap flights from Atlanta to Los Angeles:

  • Always make a thorough comparison among various airlines that are flying between Atlanta to Los Angeles to get the best one as per your budget preference. Go for budget airlines & with layovers to save even more on your budget. 
  • Be flexible with your travel date to get the best flight deal in that period. Also, if you are not happy with the first quote you received, you can always ask for another till you get one as per your liking. 
  • Because you are making a group reservation, you should make use of the attractive deals & discounts that airlines regularly provide to get the best group quote for your booking. 
  • If you can, just avoid the holiday months like Christmas, New Year, etc. for your Los Angeles Group Flights. During these times airfares are highly overpriced & the chances of getting an amazing deal are very unlikely. 
  • You can make your booking with the Air Miles Credit Card and thus gain & accumulate miles for the benefit of your future booking. If you don’t have one already, you can go for one that has nominal or no yearly charges for the most benefit! 

If you still have any queries regarding how to book cheap group flights from Atlanta to Los Angeles, you can get in touch with a travel consultant or expert who will facilitate the process for you. 

Weather in Los Angeles all year

Lastly, you should consider the weather in Los Angeles all year so that you can better plan your trip & pack your bags accordingly. Summers are particularly warm & clear whereas winters are cool & wet. Specifically, July is the hottest month of the year & January is the coldest month. Overall, the weather remains pretty mild which adds to the city’s charm. 


You are now aware of the various strategies that will greatly increase your chances of getting an amazing deal on your Los Angeles Group Tickets. Plan your group tour to Los Angeles somewhere during the off-season around September when the airfares are cheaper & sometime in the middle of the week. Go through various other tips & strategies shared to get the best flight deal on your group tour.

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