Cheap Group Flights from Chicago to Athens

Chicago to Athens Group Flights

With beautiful parks, outdoor spaces & unique landmarks, Athens has one of the best hang-out places anywhere else. If you fly with your group to Athens, you should know various strategies to save on your flight booking. 

The article shares travel tips & strategies that will enable you to book group flights to Athens at affordable rates, like the cheapest flights, cheapest time of the year & day of the week, & other important info. 

Cheap Group Flights from Chicago to Athens

Six airlines offer nonstop flights from Chicago to Athens: Delta, American Airlines, Frontier, Southwest, Spirit Airlines, and United Airlines. Additionally, KLM, WestJet, and LATAM Airlines provide direct flights from Chicago to the Athens region. Twenty-four to 38 nonstop flights are present daily from Chicago to Athens, and around 233 flights are available in a week.            

As for the cheapest, Frontier Airlines & Spirit Airlines are often seen to provide the most affordable flights to Athens. Airlines like Delta, United, etc., also offer reasonably cheap flights. So, you can choose whichever is best when booking based on your preference. 

Cheapest Month for Chicago to Athens Group Flights

August is found to be the cheapest month to fly from Chicago to Athens. During this time, the airfares are reasonable. But check beforehand, as the prices may vary over the week par, mainly because of some macro factors. On the other hand, the most expensive months are March and May, when the tickets are highly overpriced. 

Cheapest Day in the Week To Fly from Chicago to Athens

As for the days of the week, the cheapest one is Wednesday for your flight to Athens. Go for the middle of the week in general for better prices. And avoid Sundays when the airfares are higher.

How Early Should You Book a Flight from Chicago to Athens

For flights to Athens, you will get the best prices if you book at least 83 days before the journey date. Also, because you are making a group reservation, you should at least initiate the request with enough time in your hand. This is so that you can complete the entire group booking process in time & also utilize the price benefits. 

What Is The Flight from Chicago to Athens Time?

The flight distance from Chicago to Athens is 610 miles, and it takes around 2 hours and 15 minutes to complete. 

Tips to Get Cheap Chicago to Athens Group Flight Deals

Below are some handy tips & strategies you should be aware of to save even more on your Athens flights:

  • To save on your group booking, go for budget airlines & avail amazing discounts on your Athens trip. 
  • Also, go for non-direct airlines, which are cheaper than direct airlines, which charge for additional conveniences. 
  • As regularly stated, initiate your group booking with ample time in hand so that you can get the best quotation. If you are not okay with the quote received, you can always rebook to get the best price according to your preference. 
  • Make payment with an Air Miles Credit Card. This gives you the option to save points on your flights, which will be advantageous for your future bookings. The cards also have several discounts and other benefits of their own. Go for the one that has no or minimal yearly charge. 

Contact a travel specialist or advisor for assistance reserving group flights to Athens at competitive rates.

Athens Weather All Year - Experience the Breeze

Lastly, you should be aware of the weather in Athens, which will enable you to plan better and pack your bags accordingly. The summers here are hot and muggy, whereas the winters are mostly cold and wet. The rest of the year stays cloudy. The hottest month of the year is July, whereas January is the coldest month. 


Booking cheap group flights from Chicago to Athens should be very easy now. Make a group reservation around August when you find the best prices for an Athens vacation. Go for the middle of the week and opt for a non-direct budget to save the maximum on your trip. Read other tips shared to get the best deal on your Athens flight.

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