Nashville to Orlando is just a 2-hour flight but has a lot of scope to save on your travel budget if you are making a group reservation.
Discover various tips & strategies that are known only to travel elites on how to book Cheap Group Flights to Orlando at cheaper rates, including cheap flights, the cheapest time of the year & day of the week, & other important information regarding Orlando Group Booking.
If you are flying from Nashville to Orlando, you will find 2 airlines that are flying nonstop from Nashville to Orlando Airport: Southwest & Spirit Airlines!! Overall, there are around 8 to 13 nonstop flights between the two cities. Overall, there are around 71 flights throughout the week to Orlando.
You can choose the low-cost carrier Spirit Airlines for your group flight, which will enable you to save a lot on your travel budget.
If you are booking flights to Orlando, January should be the preferred month if you are looking for the cheapest airfares. You should be aware that the fares vary across the week and rather dynamically when there is some macro event. So, do check with the airline at the time of making the booking. Also, in comparison, the most expensive months of the year are March and December, when the airfares are overpriced. You can avoid those months if the budget is your concern.
Now, regarding the day of the week, the flights are cheapest on Wednesdays, basically during the middle of the week. Also, Orlando group flights are most expensive on Sundays.
32 days before the departure are found to be the best time to book group flights to Orlando from Nashville, as per various reports. Since you are making group bookings, you should be doing that months ahead anyway to not only capitalize on the discounted rates but also ensure a successful completion of the group booking process in time.
If you are booking direct flights from Nashville to Orlando Airport, it will take somewhere around 1 hour & 55 minutes, with the flight distance between the two cities being 616 miles.
Here are some final handy tips you should be aware of to make a successful group reservation at the best airfare rates:
The weather in Orlando is unlike any other. Summers are particularly long, wet, and hot, whereas winters are cool, short, and cloudy. July and August are particularly hot months, and January is the coldest month. Overall, Orlando stays mild and sunny all year round and is welcoming for travellers!
Thus, you are aware of the subtleties of booking Orlando Group Tickets at budget-friendly rates. Avoid holiday months like December; instead, choose January and book somewhere in the middle of the week to get the best rates. Read other tips shared to make group reservations at the best affordable rates.