Cheap Group Flights from Orlando to Baltimore/Washington D.C.

Orlando to Baltimore Washington D.C.

If you are making Baltimore/Washington Group Booking, you don’t want to miss out on various strategies that will allow you to get a good deal on your flight booking. 

Continue reading to learn about various strategies on how to book cheap Group Flights To Baltimore/Washington, some handy tips to save even more, & other important info. 

Cheap Group Flights from Orlando to Baltimore/Washington

On a regular basis, there are around 14 to 24 nonstop flights that leave from Orlando Airport to Baltimore. Overall, there are around 130 flights between the cities. The most frequent day for a flight from Orlando to Baltimore is Friday & the fewest flights are on Sunday. Among all of these, the most popular flights are Southwest, Frontier & Spirit Airlines. 

As for the cheapest flights from Orlando to Baltimore/Washington, you will get them on Frontier Airlines and Spirit Airlines. However, other airlines also regularly provide affordable flights to the Baltimore/Washington region. So, you can choose whichever is your preference. 

Cheapest Month for Orlando to Baltimore/Washington Flight

If you look at the entire year, September is the cheapest month to fly from Orlando to Baltimore/Washington. You can book around these months when the airfares are more affordable. However, do make proper comparisons beforehand because the airfares vary dynamically over the week & especially if there is any macro event. Also, in general, avoid July & December if you can because the airfares are extremely high in these months. 

Cheapest Day in the Week To Fly from Orlando to Baltimore/Washington

As for the day of the week, you should go sometime in the middle of the week, especially on Wednesdays when the airfares are the cheapest. This is compared to, say, at the end of the weekend on Sundays when the airfares are the costliest, which you can avoid. 

How Early Should You Book a Flight from Orlando to Baltimore/Washington

If you are flying from Orlando to Baltimore/Washington, you should at least book a flight about 80 days before the day of the departure!! It has been found that around this timeline, you are likely to get the cheapest flights. Also, since you are making a group booking, you should do that anyway with ample time in hand to complete the entire group booking process & also get a decent flight deal. 

How Much is the Time To Fly from Orlando to Baltimore/Washington

A direct flight from Orlando to Baltimore/Washington will take somewhere around 2 hours & 16 minutes. The flight distance is 788 miles. 

Tips to Get Cheap Group Flights to Baltimore/Washington

Here are some of the handy tips that will allow you to save even more when booking Baltimore/Washington Group Tickets:

  • Always make a proper comparison amongst the available flights so as to find the right flight as per your preferences & make your booking accordingly. 
  • Be flexible on your flight booking by a month, if possible, so that you get the best deal during the period. 
  • Avoid holiday seasons like Christmas and New Year, if you can, when the airfares are extremely high. 
  • Since you are making a group booking, make sure you use all the available deals & discounts that airlines provide to get an amazing quotation on your group tour. 

If you have any further doubts or queries, you can always get in touch with an airline representative who will help you get a good flight deal on your group booking. 

Weather in Baltimore/Washington all year

Lastly, you should be aware of the weather in Baltimore/Washington, which will give another dimension to group tour planning & you can pack your bags accordingly as well. Summers are mostly hot & humid, whereas winters are cold, windy & snowy. July is the warmest month of the year, whereas January is the coldest month of the year!!


You can now not only make that amazing Baltimore/Washington trip but also do that at affordable rates & save ample amounts to be spent during your time there. Choose September month to book group flights when the airfares are the cheapest & somewhere in the middle of the week. Also, go through other tips & strategies that will allow you to get an even better deal on your Baltimore group booking.

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